Halloween Pranksters
Halloween is the time to either be deathly afraid or ecstatically happy (all the free candy). This year, Qukku wants to see your best Halloween pranks caught on video. You’re already scaring your friends and random people, so capture it on video!






$550 + Best Prankster


About This Video:
Creator: Rich Ferguson
"My favorite scare, prank, trick! Magician Rich Ferguson doing a Halloween head drop trick on the streets of his home town San Luis Obispo. During the day, this is a great illusion, but during night and in a more vulnerable setting, this freaks people out BIG TIME! Having way too much fun this season with pranks and street magic! Watch out, we are coming for you;) Good luck with whatever costume or prank you pull this year! This is my personal favorite yet! They do say "trick or treat?" I say TRICK!" Thanks!
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