Fun Community Power
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About This Video:
Creator: Sameer Khoja
The growing problem of global warming, as worldwide as it seems, has its origins right in the common household. In order to combat global warming in the home, people must be aware of their energy usage as well as carbon output so that they can actively take part in energy conservation. Leave No Trace (LNT) is designed to mitigate carbon dioxide emissions through encouraging the prudent use of electricity, water, and heat in residential, business, health, and factory settings. The user can easily input their energy usage from their bills, and this application will convert usage into tons of carbon dioxide emitted. This way, the user will be able to see an accurate estimate of the amount of carbon dioxide his/her consumption is causing. The user can also compare their personal carbon footprint to other countries’ per-capita average. Users can also create a profile and share their information using Twitter. Through this application, users will be able to compare their data as well as carbon footprint with others
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